Sunday 5 June 2011

Reviews and Submission Files

Student Evaluation

Sketchup File

(Includes both offices, elevators and dining areas)

Short Clip Showing Elevators And Environment

Crysis File

You will need the exodus pine trees mod to view my map!!

Instruction Guide To Game
1.) Make your way to the start of the bridge of either Oprah or Jonathan.

Oprah Winfrey Option
 Make your way across the bridge into the building. When you are inside Oprah's building, you will see a small circle on the ground. Stand on it and press p. This is a small elevator taking you down to the level below. 

Once you are below, you shall see the elevator. Walk towards the elevator and it should open up. Once you are inside, and the glass and everything has closed, press o to begin the elevator sequence.

Once you have stopped, step out of the elevator, press k to access the dining table.
 If you want to retract it again, press n

Jonathan Ive Option
Start at the side of John's bridge, make your way up the stairs and into the building. There will be a ramp on the far side. Go down it (don't jump). Mkae your way towards the elevator and it should open up. Position yourself in the elevator and press l to begin the sequence. 

Once you stopped, get out and press k to access the dining table.
 If you want to retract it again, press n.

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