Sunday 5 June 2011

Reviews and Submission Files

Student Evaluation

Sketchup File

(Includes both offices, elevators and dining areas)

Short Clip Showing Elevators And Environment

Crysis File

You will need the exodus pine trees mod to view my map!!

Instruction Guide To Game
1.) Make your way to the start of the bridge of either Oprah or Jonathan.

Oprah Winfrey Option
 Make your way across the bridge into the building. When you are inside Oprah's building, you will see a small circle on the ground. Stand on it and press p. This is a small elevator taking you down to the level below. 

Once you are below, you shall see the elevator. Walk towards the elevator and it should open up. Once you are inside, and the glass and everything has closed, press o to begin the elevator sequence.

Once you have stopped, step out of the elevator, press k to access the dining table.
 If you want to retract it again, press n

Jonathan Ive Option
Start at the side of John's bridge, make your way up the stairs and into the building. There will be a ramp on the far side. Go down it (don't jump). Mkae your way towards the elevator and it should open up. Position yourself in the elevator and press l to begin the sequence. 

Once you stopped, get out and press k to access the dining table.
 If you want to retract it again, press n.

EXPERIMENT THREE Week 03 Independant


Final Images

Oprah Winfrey's Office And Bridge
Oprah Winfrey's Elevator In Action
Jonathan Ive's Office And Bridge

Jonothan Ive's Elevator Emerging From Bridge

Meeting Point Showing The Dining Area

Just For Fun, Squad Mates Getting Off Jonathan Ive's Elevator  =)

Final Landscape

Three small waterfalls now flow through the land

Included the actual waterfall (roughly estimated) to the scene

Change in Design- sketchup

I made a change to my design due to a loss of work during a freak incident. What I have changed to get my assignment in relatively on time, is that the elevator for Jonathan Ive will now run on top of the bridge without dropping down. It will still start within the building and stop at the same place. Oprah's is the same still.

The meeting point will change now, the dining building was a huuuuuuuge loss to me, as it was heaps detailed and complex with triggers and flowgraphs linked to it. Being lost, I really don't have the time to do it again, so I created a simple one from what I have. The meeting place is now located on top of the bridge where the old elevator is. Now when the person presses the button, it drops down, flips 360ยบ and comes up again to reveal the dining table.

Jonathan Ive

My concepts for his building will be strong, sleek and powerful. Cut into the land sharply, sticking out stubbornly, it shows that his persistence was got got him to where he is today. A building with many components reflecting his powerful mind, an elevator that reflects his products, and a bridge that shows his development to power.

Oprah Winfrey

My concepts for his building will be influence, support, care and safety. A well protected building well rounded for security to display feminism and also Oprah's character of being an all-round loving person. Big bridge with small supports portray how her many fans, insignificant compared to her, through their numbers and support, helped keep Oprah up there in power. The elevator resembles a protective sphere from which the passenger to gaze out to the view of the valley below. The arcs of the building are like protective hands encircling the building, keeping it safe. The very nature of these curves show the influence Oprah has, she just knows how to connect with the people, so likewise, the architecture here flows into each other.

Meeting Point

The meeting point is a neutral point for these clients, defying gravity, depending on the client's bridges to hold up the middle bridge. Floor opens up to reveal elevator going down to the valley floor where the river front dining building is located.

Development of Landscape
First Attempt at making the environment. Unsure which season to implement? So I did a scene around spring time. There is a large waterfall falling down winding down to a river flowing through the trees

Closer shot of the base of the waterfall and one of my elevators. The mountains to the left and right are the locations for my buildings.

I took out the large waterfall, although it sort of looked good, but I wanted to keep as close as I could to the original now. As the river tool is hard to use for elevated slopes, I had to make mini waterfalls to overcome that difficulty. All together, I have three waterfalls so far. This image also shows the placing of Jonathan Ive's office in its space.


36 Textures

EXPERIMENT THREE Week 02 Independant

Elevator Experiment

Elevator Test Images
Elevator From the Bottom River Perspective

View seen while inside the elevator going up
Elevator Test Videos
This video shows the outside of the elevator

This video shows the view seen while inside the elevator


18 Two Point Perspectives

EXPERIMENT THREE Week 01 Independent

Image of Valley
Yosemite - USA (Oprah)

Crysis Image
Environment with the subtle changes to landscape

Introducing the waterfall and wider river into the Yosemite valley
Article Mashup

All Images are sourced from the same sites of the article

1.) Rice, C., Oprah Winfrey. 30th April 2006, accessed 21st May 2011,

2.) Waugh, R., How did a British polytechnic graduate become the design genius behind £200 billion Apple. accessed 20th March 2011, 

3.) Hambly, N., Lady Gaga cracks 1 billion views. 25th March 2010, accessed 21st May 2011,


18 One Point Perspectives